Monday 2 May 2011

Infatuation and Love

In this present world, where virtues, principles, morals are fast diminishing, people tend to make decisions and conclusions in a short time, without considering the effects in the long run. We think that the whole life will be as pleasant as it is, now and for ever.
In our life, when we want to achieve something, there are always two ways to it. One is the right path and the other is the wrong path. The later one is always easy and thrilling. You will find success soon. The happiness you get from this is always short lived, like the morning mist which vanishes with the first ray of sun shine. The right path is always difficult. You will get many obstacles. But once you achieve it, the results will always be your shadow. It never leaves you.
In this teenage world, when a friend tells you, he or she loves you, we actually think that our dreams or ambitions are projected thru the others personality. Every human earns to be loved and thus you feel that you have found your true love. Give a minute to think about this:

Your mother – she keeps telling you, how much she loves you and keeps nagging at you. You may hate her for restricting your attitudes. Does it mean that she does not love you?
Your father – how many times have he said that he loves you? May be not even once. But does it mean he does not love you?
Your siblings – are they replaceable? Can your friend take that place and give you the same love and compassion?
“Virginity is like a bubble in the stream of your life, which vanishes with the first temptation and remains in your sub conscience for your entire life, as a fear of someone throwing up your dirty past on your face”. Temptations are our born instinct. Even God’s creation Eve was tempted.

Are you chasing behind happiness?
“Happiness is like a butterfly
The more you chase it, the more it eludes you,
But the moment you turn you attention to other things,
It slowly comes and rests on your shoulder”.